General Rules

Please review the following guidelines before attending Kentokyocon to ensure a safe environment for yourself and others.

  1. Be kind and courteous to your fellow attendees, guests, vendors, and staff at all times. Disruptive behavior is not allowed.

  2. Treat the Conference Center and hotel facilities with respect. Anyone who vandalizes or damages our venue will be held responsible for repair or replacement. Vandalism includes disruptive replacement of hotel furniture or other hotel property. 

  3. Keep the hallways and walkways clear. Do not block any exits, stairways, or doorways.

  4. Kentokyocon strictly adheres to federal, state, and local laws at the convention. Smoking (including “e-cigarettes” and vaporizers/vapes) and all drugs are prohibited in the convention center and hotel. Tobacco consumption in the form of cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes is allowed outdoors in designated smoking areas. The consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 is illegal, and strictly prohibited at Kentokyocon. 

  5. Public nudity is not allowed, and inappropriate attire is prohibited. If you cannot wear it to a theme park or other public place, please do not bring it to Kentokyocon. All attire, including costumes, is subject to this rule. 

  6. Your badge must be visible at all times. Badges allow you entrance into Kentokyocon events. If you do not have your badge, we reserve the right to refuse entry to any and all Kentokyocon events and panels. 

  7. Disabled persons, others with special needs, staff, and Kentokyocon guests of honor are not required to stand in line for any event room or panel. 

  8. Kentokyocon reserves the right to revoke your convention badge and eject anyone, at any time, from the convention without a refund. 

  9. If you are planning to bring minor children to the convention, please check out our youth escort policy. Ensure that your family does not become separated, and have a plan in place if you do. 

  10. Follow the instructions of Kentokyocon staff, security, hotel security, and Lexington PD. Failure to comply with their instructions may result in removal from the convention center or hotel. 

  11. We encourage an orderly line for popular events at Kentokyocon, but lining up too early for an event may cause a fire hazard in the hallway. Please comply with any and all staff and security guidance. 

  12. Solicitation, panhandling, or begging from other attendees is prohibited. Doing so is illegal and will result in your removal from the convention.

Cosplay Rules

The following rules and regulations exist for the safety of all attendees and staff of Kentokyocon. They are applicable to all parts of the convention and ANYONE attending, including staff.

  1. We have a strict ban on all live steel props. A live steel prop is defined as any prop or weapon made of metal, so blunted/unsharpened blades are still prohibited. 

  2. All projectile weapons must have the legally mandated blaze orange tip and be permanently disabled from firing. Cap guns and other pyrotechnics are banned entirely, so no prop or item that produces flame is allowed. All live fire weapons are banned, as well as crossbows, compound bows, simple bows, and any other bow. 

  3. Our maximum prop size limit is 72 inches, or 6 feet (183cm). 

    Any props that do not meet these regulations will be returned to the attendees car or hotel room or confiscated. Items that are confiscated cannot be guaranteed to be returned.